Senin, 30 April 2012

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Energy Machines and Motion Student Guide and Source Book (Science and Technology Concepts for Middle School), by Dane J. Toler

  • Sales Rank: #14026838 in Books
  • Published on: 2000-01
  • Original language: English
  • Binding: Paperback

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Kamis, 19 April 2012

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Your Magic Powers of Persuasion, by Vernon Howard

You have an Invisible Power. It also is an immense scientific secret. It will enable you also to walk among people and obtain what you want and need for a rich and satisfying life.

Your Invisible Power is your ability to persuade and command people.

The purpose of this book is to show you how to find and how to use your Invisible Power. Once you learn the secret you will enrich every area of your life in a surprisingly delightful way.

Your first step toward persuading others is to realize that everything you want is found in other people.

Here are just a few of hundreds of secrets you’ll uncover in one of Vernon Howard’s best selling books:

* Two things that will get you what you want ten times as fast

* Why it is not selfish to put yourself first

* Learn how to predict what people will do

* How to persuade a person who brings up an unreasonable objection to your plan

* Four romantic words that influence the opposite sex

* How to use your mistakes for advancing yourself

* How to produce instantly a powerful drive for winning your way

* Secrets for getting others to earn money for you

* How to read the other person's mind

* What your attitudes have to do with winning attention from the opposite sex

* To keep yourself excited and enthused about winning your way with people

* For interesting stories about men who turned their knowledge of people into cash

* Whenever you wish to gain anything in the shortest possible time

* Discover the seven magic words that attract people to you instantly

* The real reasons you don’t have to be handsome or beautiful in order to persuade others

* The power of appealing to a person's “picture “

  • Sales Rank: #365128 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2011-07-29
  • Released on: 2011-07-29
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

33 of 34 people found the following review helpful.
Help Others Give You What You Want
By Randy Yarn
Getting what you need and/or want is not necessarily being greedy or selfish. It is reality and we all work towards pleasing ourselves. That often means we must please others to get what we need. Serving others, for example, is a way of getting what we want. It's a system that works well for all involved and Your Magic Powers of Persuasion is an excellent way to hone your persuasion skills!

I have researched a few other titles in the past, starting with one of the first ever decades ago called When I Say No I Feel Guilty, and I must say that a lot of progress has been made in this area since then and Your Magic Powers of Persuasion is ample evidence. And this isn't some pamphlet disguised as a "book" either, it's jam-packed and thick, full of great advice on knowing exactly how to persuade given difference circumstances you find yourself in. What I appreciated most is the chapter I need most and that is, "You Can Be Quickly Liked and Appreciated." I come off as gruff because I am a little shy so this gave me new techniques to try when being in new groups that will enable me to feel more at ease and get the rapport going better than I have been in the past.

Highly recommended!

31 of 35 people found the following review helpful.
A Real Screen Slider
By d.welch
I got this book on my kindle fire in hopes of unlocking my secret powers of persuasion (hence the title). Before I started reading, I was hoping for immediate results. Unfortunately, that was not the case. As I continued to read I realized that most of the methods in this book are self-train methods, and that's where the journey begins. It isn't action filled and isn't for those who don't like reading because it is fairly long. Remember when reading this book that the direct approach upon persuading an individual is almost never the way. While persuading someone remember SWAY which you will read about in chapter two. The chapters are fairly long and start to become boring. Be prepared for multiple pages of worksheets that get you ready for persuading for real. I evaluate this book as a well set, short textbook with activities and all. It makes you want to keep reading to see what happens, what you can learn. You, in turn for buying the book, are able to persuade and command who you please to do so. With only the will power and skill provided by this book, along with human nature and a humans want for being loved and needed. It is a very educational book and very eye opening. With so little good books in the world, this one could start a new generation of educational novels that the new children of the world needs. It ends very smoothly, but it does need to explain the persuading methods more entertainingly and clearly. It is a very interesting ebook for most ages.

12 of 13 people found the following review helpful.
Great examples, and overall good work.
By Entomy
Great that the author explains the difference between persuasion and manipulation; this helps many people feel more comfortable about persuading; no longer like they're taking advantage of someone else. The examples given are wonderful, and really explain exactly what the author meant.

Some of the information was a little off, or contradicted itself, or was hypocritical at times. Regardless of this, it is an overall very usefull and informative peice. I would definately recommend this.

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Rabu, 18 April 2012

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Ionized gases,, by A. Von Engel

  • Published on: 1965
  • Binding: Paperback

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Senin, 16 April 2012

[T762.Ebook] Fee Download Pure Goldwater, by John W. Dean, Barry M. Goldwater Jr. Jr.

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Pure Goldwater, by John W. Dean, Barry M. Goldwater  Jr. Jr.

Barry Goldwater was a defining figure in American public life, a firebrand politician associated with an optimistic brand of conservatism. In an era in which American conservatism has lost its way, his legacy is more important than ever. For over fifty years, in those moments when he was away from the political fray, Senator Goldwater kept a private journal, recording his reflections on a rich political and personal life. Here bestselling author John Dean combines analysis with Goldwater's own words. With unprecedented access to his correspondence, interviews, and behind-the-scenes conversations, Dean sheds new light on this political figure. From the late senator's honest thoughts on Richard Nixon to his growing discomfort with the rise of the extreme right, Pure Goldwater offers a revelatory look at an American icon-and also reminds us of a more hopeful alternative to the dispiriting political landscape of today.

  • Sales Rank: #16197110 in Books
  • Published on: 2008-06-10
  • Formats: Audiobook, CD, Unabridged
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 12
  • Dimensions: 6.40" h x .90" w x 6.70" l, .80 pounds
  • Running time: 52200 seconds
  • Binding: Audio CD

From Publishers Weekly
Starred Review. Senator Barry Goldwater (1909-1998), whose 1960 best-seller Conscience of a Conservative helped define the modern conservative movement, was by 1996 describing himself and Bob Dole as "the new liberals of the Republican Party." Author Dean (Broken Government, Conservatives Without Conscience) and Goldwater Jr., the Senator's son and an eighth-term California congressman, explore the complicated figure in this "scrap book" of journal excerpts, correspondence, articles and other primary testimony. A Republican maverick who valued principle over political expediency, Goldwater can be predictable-maintaining loyalty toward Nixon even as the President edged him out of inner White House circles (as late as May 1973, Goldwater called for Jack Anderson's Pulitzer to be re-dubbed "the Benedict Arnold Award")-but he was neither an ideologue nor a mud-slinger: for instance, his hard-hitting fight against President Johnson stopped short of scandalizing LBJ's chief of staff, arrested for "disorderly" conduct in a men's toilet, and in 1994 he went against the powerful new GOP congress by saying publicly of Whitewater, "I haven't heard anything yet that says this is all that big of a deal." Covering personal life, career and retirement, including his 1964 bid for president, this is an invaluable chronicle of the times, told by an American who changed politics by being, simply, "an honest man who tried his damnedest."
Copyright � Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

"An invaluable chronicle of the times." ---Publishers Weekly Starred Review

From the Publisher
Q&A with Barry Goldwater, Jr.

Why did you write the book now?
My father's journals are rich with personal observations and feelings that have never been seen before. I am sure my father would not mind them being published for he enjoyed stirring the water of public opinion.

What is the story behind your collaboration with John Dean on this book?
John was doing research for another article at the AZ Historical Foundation located at Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona when we stumbled upon several boxes containing my father's journals. These papers were presumed lost. We both came to the same idea that the public should see these and thus started the collaboration.

Will the personal writings in this book change public opinion of who Barry Goldwater, Sr. was?
Yes, they will see a kinder and gentler man who really cared about his country, his family, his party, and the average human being's welfare.

Do you think there is a message that this book has to offer today's presidential hopefuls?
Yes, get politics out of the gutter. Politics and government needs to be restored to a higher level of honesty and dedicated service. Start getting along and stop all the bitter partisan fighting.

Has the Republican Party changed since your father's time in office? If so how?
Conservative Republicans have been taken over by the religious right, the so-called social conservatives. My father had a deep faith in God but he never felt a need to put a bumper sticker on his car or dictate to anyone else how or what to believe. The demand of some to vote for a candidate strictly on the basis of religious views deeply troubled him, as such dictates violated freedom of choice and personal privacy, the antithesis of the original philosophy of the Conservative movement, of which he was a founder.

Why is Goldwater conservatism still relevant today?
Because it is all about maximizing individual freedom. This country is the only country founded on freedom but today we are slowly losing these to a growing government.

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
A true conservative
By R J Brooks
It is amazing how similar Goldwater's experience was with what is happening right now. Great book.

28 of 29 people found the following review helpful.
Pure enjoyment
By Jon Hunt
For those of us of a certain age, Barry Goldwater was the prickly candidate for president in 1964, whose "extremism in defense of liberty" speech turned away millions of voters. But Goldwater stayed around long after that and it's a good thing he did. "Pure Goldwater", a neatly arranged compilation of his journal entries (along with some letters and speeches) reveals a much more complex and attractive man than the public got to know more than a generation ago.

The title of the book could not have been more appropriate. Here we see Senator Goldwater in all of his frankness, lambasting presidents with whom he worked, yet revelling in the love of his family, photography, flying and service to his country. In reading "Pure Goldwater" it's not hard to be in agreement with him on one page and subsequently want to wring his neck on the next. He seemed always to be on the cutting edge of the day's events, even when he was doing some of the "cutting", himself. It's fascinating to see him comment on every president from FDR to Clinton and there was much about most of them he didn't like.

Much of the book centers around his relationship with Richard Nixon and the trials and tribulations of Watergate and perhaps the most intriguing part of the book follows his recollections on summing up Nixon's chances in the Senate for impeachment survival. I remember that day well and how it changed my mind about Senator Goldwater. Here was a true statesman rising to the occasion in a most difficult time in our nation's history.

Barry Goldwater's seeming drift to the left regarding such issues as women's choice and gay rights no doubt sent shivers up and down the collective spines of his conservative colleagues. But Goldwater reasoned well and was always practical and this will be a big part of his legacy...a conservative man ahead of his time. "Pure Goldwater" is a pure joy to read and I commend John Dean and Barry Goldwater, Jr. for allowing us this terrific look at the told through his own words. I highly recommend it.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Anything John Dean writes is good, often very good
By Wally Leitel
Anything John Dean writes is good, often very of the best writers and I have come to think of him of at least brilliant. Why, oh why cannot we have a leader as this man?...Except for LBJ's Civil Rights bills and his sdomestic and health policies, I know of no president that was great 'til you go back to John Q Adams...Jefferson before that.
Read anything by Mr will not be disappointed, no matter who you are.

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Rabu, 11 April 2012

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Successful Telephone Selling in the '80s, by Robert L. Shook, Martin D. Shafiroff

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Successful Telephone Selling in the '80s, by Robert L. Shook, Martin D. Shafiroff

Book by Robert L. Shook, Martin D. Shafiroff

  • Sales Rank: #2351277 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: HarperCollins Publishers
  • Published on: 1983-01
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Used Book in Good Condition

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Purchasing Director
Standard stuff but a good refresher course

3 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Honest, Brief, and Astute Advice
For the price, this little book really is incredible. It's straight to the point and pithy. And the info culled for it isn't theory based--its the stuff the best salesmen like former Lehman Bros. salesmonster Marty Shafiroff are deploying everyday out there in the battlefield we call sales. There are dozens and dozens of useless and dull sales advice books out there--pick this one if you're looking for a sound investment. I hope RJ Shook updates this fine book one day (it is was published in 1990). The info in this book is gold. Having a hard time opening your accounts? Of course you are, skippy, you're still wasting your time reading this instead of ordering this book.

See all 2 customer reviews...

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Successful Telephone Selling in the '80s, by Robert L. Shook, Martin D. Shafiroff PDF

Successful Telephone Selling in the '80s, by Robert L. Shook, Martin D. Shafiroff PDF

Successful Telephone Selling in the '80s, by Robert L. Shook, Martin D. Shafiroff PDF
Successful Telephone Selling in the '80s, by Robert L. Shook, Martin D. Shafiroff PDF