Senin, 26 Juli 2010

[D274.Ebook] Download PDF At Hawthorn Time, by Melissa Harrison

Download PDF At Hawthorn Time, by Melissa Harrison

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At Hawthorn Time, by Melissa Harrison

At Hawthorn Time, by Melissa Harrison

At Hawthorn Time, by Melissa Harrison

Download PDF At Hawthorn Time, by Melissa Harrison

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At Hawthorn Time, by Melissa Harrison

It is dawn on a May morning. On a long, straight Roman road between two sleeping fields, a car slows as it arrives at the scene of an accident. As the lives of four people coalesce, we realize that mysterious layers of history are not only buried within them but also locked into the landscape.

A captivating novel of immense clarity, At Hawthorn Time is about identity, consumerism, changing boundaries and our own long, straight path into the unknown.

  • Sales Rank: #64345 in Audible
  • Published on: 2015-06-25
  • Released on: 2015-06-25
  • Format: Unabridged
  • Original language: English
  • Running time: 491 minutes

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Quiet, simmering book about the drama of the everyday
By Bluestalking Reader
At Hawthorn Time was one of several Baileys Prize longlisted titles I gifted myself earlier in the year. I picked a few of the more interesting books and made liberal use of my Buy It Now finger, a habit I practice less often now that I'm single and down to one income. It's a necessary economy, still, I allow myself the luxury every now and then. Because there's nothing better than getting a big box of books in the mail to lift the spirits.

In the course of the past few weeks, I've been in book culling mode. As I'm culling, I'm becoming more aware of exactly what's on my shelves. Last week I came across my Baileys stash and grabbed Harrison's novel at random, finishing it in the course of three or four days. It's a quiet book, one that simmers slowly. It's about the drama of the everyday. Nothing big happens, nothing splashy or headline-making, but to the characters the events are life-changing.

I enjoy novels with converging storylines, featuring characters unrelated but inhabiting the same geographical space. It allows deep exploration of a sense of place through the eyes of a cross-section of characters coming from very different perspectives.

At Hawthorn Time tells the stories of four main characters living in the area surrounding Lodeshill, a smallish English village:

Howard and Kitty, married 30 years and new to the village since their retirement, have grown steadily apart, unhappy but lacking the energy to do anything about it. When Kitty learns she may be ill, she's forced into deciding what she'll tell her husband, if anything. And when their children come to visit, this couple that's slept apart must make room for guests sleeping in their home.

Jack, a rebellious modern-day hippie who skipped imprisonment after his conviction for trespassing, is walking across country on his way back to the village, hoping he's not recognized and taken into custody while working migrant jobs for the money to keep body and soul together. Spending every day looking over his shoulder, when he is eventually discovered he's forced to decide where he'll go from there.

And Jamie, a 19-year old man with no prospects or direction in life, limps along in a low-paying, unfulfilling job while also helping his parents deal with the growing dementia of his grandfather. As the one person closest to his grandfather, when the old man goes missing it falls on Jamie to unravel the mystery of what happened to him and where, and if, he can be found.

Before it all ends, the lives in the story do cross, with disastrous consequences.

This book should be read for its beautiful language, gentle and meandering contemplation of relationships and ever-deepening examination of the inner lives of the characters. It can't be read in a spirit of impatience, or it will not hold interest.

There is crisis and catharsis, movement and change. These are the sorts of crises you see from a distance, in friends and acquaintances with whom you don't share all life's problems. You think to yourself there must be more behind a surface that seems so tranquil, but aren't always privy to their secrets.

At Hawthorn Time goes inside the lives we keep hidden. A lovely, lovely novel.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Where was the plot? Was there a plot?
By Julia Flyte
This is a beautifully written, slow paced book about a small village in rural England. There are four main characters. Howard and Kitty moved to the countryside a year ago after their children left home. Their marriage had been strained for years and the challenges of adapting to a new place have further divided them. Jamie is only 19 and grew up in the area but he is also struggling to find his feet and thinks often about a childhood friend who moved away. Finally there is Jack, a drifter, who comes to the area in search of seasonal farming work.

Not a lot happens in this book. It opens and ends with a car accident in which a character will die, but this is easily the most dramatic event. There is a lot of descriptive writing about the countryside. It feels like a very carefully written book. There are sentences that you want to savour and there are a couple of descriptions of Howard and Kitty's marriage towards the end that rang achingly, beautifully true. And yet it is also frustratingly slow. Things happen, you think "hooray, there's going to be a plot after all", but then they fizzle out again. Even the ending is frustratingly ambiguous. I admired this book, I found the characters interesting, it got under my skin - but it also irritated me.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Setting out walking early one spring morning
By "Belgo Geordie"
This starts with a prologue. So you know where the story ends but not the who. This is a clever, although post modernist novel. Its initial protagonist Jack is on a walk to reconnect with the English countryside. He is what used to be called a tramp but in contemporary English society he is an itinerant, seen as a bigger, a gypsy-the other. He on the other hand is grieving the subtle shifts permeating the English countryside, rural life and its people. Spring emerges with renewal of plants and animals as the story unfolds around one village. The rural working class family, the retiree escapees from London and their disintegrating marriage and Jack. It is a powerful novel and on the whole paints a picture of a contemporary English country setting. However, it is no "Last of the Summer Wine". It is not sentimental (more matter of fact and at times stark as nature can be). But it is also compassionate in what it shares. My one criticism was the ending (following the prologue beginning) does not work as is often the case in post modernism, the ending is unsatisfying.

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