Senin, 10 Februari 2014

[M211.Ebook] PDF Download This One Summer, by Mariko Tamaki

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This One Summer, by Mariko Tamaki

This One Summer, by Mariko Tamaki

This One Summer, by Mariko Tamaki

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This One Summer, by Mariko Tamaki

  • Published on: 2014
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.50" h x .90" w x 6.00" l,
  • Binding: Paperback

Most helpful customer reviews

124 of 129 people found the following review helpful.
Wonderful art work and very realistic story, but maybe too realistic for some kids
By amazonbuyer
The artwork in "This One Summer" reaches out and pulls the reader into the story. It is a very sad but well told tale.

I have only one caution. The age range is 12-18. The subject matter is such that it may not be appropriate for some 12 year olds:
1)references to porn, oral sex, and blow jobs and 2) language.

You will have to decide if this is appropriate for your child. My older child can deal with it, but my younger one (still with in suggested age range) wanted nothing to do with it.

I was actually surprised at how difficult the story was. There was hope and joy, but so much sadness. The cover artwork is so joyful that I didn't expect it to be quite so heavy. I know it hinted at issues, but I was still not prepared.

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
Beautiful art, great book
By Yiwen Li
This is a coming of age book about two girls growing up and becoming young adults as they spent one summer together at Awago beach. The characters in the book and the story plot are very realistic. I love the friendship between the girls, the curiosities of what the grown ups do, and all the summer elements the book captures. The story is very well written and beautifully illustrated. In my opinion, the book is easy and enjoyable to read but the content is not suitable for kids younger than 13.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Captures the strangeness of adolescence
By Angela Quillen
Excellent book, it captures the strange fleeting feelings from adolescence. The feeling of looking far into the future and realizing that you will soon be dealing with the problems that your older friends and relatives deal with. Finding out that your parents can feel just as powerless and angry as you can. The excitement of the first time watching horror movies and wondering what real gore looks like. The nervous sensation of finding out what sex and relationships are all about and what they mean to you.

See all 171 customer reviews...

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This One Summer, by Mariko Tamaki PDF

This One Summer, by Mariko Tamaki PDF
This One Summer, by Mariko Tamaki PDF

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